Voice Messenger of the Day: John Leehane

We're so grateful to the growing community of vocal experts, performers, teachers and voice enthusiasts who have contributed to our Indiegogo campaign, helping us make our documentary film about the unsung power and beauty of the human voice. You're truly making it possible to finish our film. Meet today's "Voice Messenger" of the day!



John A. Leehane 


Of an age Artist

Who is your personal vocal mentor or inspiration?

My vocal mentor or inspirations number three. All ladies...
#1, Rachael D. with her measured tones.
#2, Kate W. with her Iow, extra special level of attractive delivery, which encapsulates knowingness in a humour all her own.
#3, Lauren L., who is a person in the UK media, and frankly just has me smiling at her vocal character. 

What's one piece of advice you'd give to someone who wants to do what you do and is just getting started?

To achieve say, a modicum of such individuality one notices this difference of self to others around. I believe it to be by dint of regards towards others and with a peaceful approach to all, and all circumstance. There is no secret to getting started, though for myself it is an artful place I have arrived at. Good luck and bon voyage.

Tell us why you contributed to the Voice Messages Indiegogo campaign.

I figured that I'd been influenced not only by a few persons and their physicality, but by their voice and meanings too. I wished to help enable this project out of my own curiosity.

Tell us more about you.

Well, what may I tell which is helpful to the reader? Smiling, I can say I have of an age discovered my leanings into the written and pictorial arts. I am very undereducated to think I may impact by my own design into any area or echelon of these topics. However, after the past few years of scrabbling around and acquaintance with ways and means, I hope to add to that general motion I perceive in the world which is begging for peaceful and settled and renewable ability within it. I hope to help create a Planetary ease up and chill down. I believe in this aim... thanks. 


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